The Verdict is in...
Well we went for an early, out-of-pocket ultrasound because Jade and I just couldn't stand the suspense. We're too impatient to wait until 21 weeks when my obstetrician's doing it. So here I am at 17 weeks and 4 days and getting to see what we're having.
As soon as the sonographer touched the wand to my belly, she said, "Well there you go. I didn't have to go searching! There it is! It's a boy!" We were so thrilled to hear those words. I know Jade was especially. It's difficult to interpret the pictures. But she was 100% sure it was a boy. She said it was "textbook." We even confirmed where the umbilical cord was to make sure it wasn't part of the cord between his legs or anything.
He wasn't moving around a whole lot despite drinking a whole can of Mountain Dew and eating a Milky Way candy bar on the way there. He moved around for a little while: stretching out, opening his mouth to swallow fluid, bouncing up and down in there.
We left there with over 20 ultrasound pictures of him and a voice narrated video tape of everything she was showing. Anyway, here HE is!!!
I know it's kind of difficult to see, but I promise it's there! The black hole behind his private parts is his full bladder and his legs are on each side and in front.
Here, the view is of his side and that's his little penis sticking straight up!
A profile of him.
As soon as the sonographer touched the wand to my belly, she said, "Well there you go. I didn't have to go searching! There it is! It's a boy!" We were so thrilled to hear those words. I know Jade was especially. It's difficult to interpret the pictures. But she was 100% sure it was a boy. She said it was "textbook." We even confirmed where the umbilical cord was to make sure it wasn't part of the cord between his legs or anything.
He wasn't moving around a whole lot despite drinking a whole can of Mountain Dew and eating a Milky Way candy bar on the way there. He moved around for a little while: stretching out, opening his mouth to swallow fluid, bouncing up and down in there.
We left there with over 20 ultrasound pictures of him and a voice narrated video tape of everything she was showing. Anyway, here HE is!!!

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