Thursday, September 13, 2007


"Cheese!!!!" Why she pulled her dress up, we wil never know...

Chasing bubbles...

Jade blew bubbles for Ashlyn the other day and she quickly decided that she wanted to do it herself. She wants so badly to be independent! "Ashlyn do it!" she'll say.

There they go....

"I wanna see." Ashlyn loves to look at herself. She knows that she can look at pictures of herself on the LCD screen of my camera.

Loves Trappy...

"Awww...Mo meer is sweet!" (And so tolerant...)

Yes, Ashlyn, Diego is in mommy's camera!

The only way I could get Ashlyn to look at me was to tell her that Diego was in mommy's camera. Then she wanted the camera so she could look into it.


Flashback: Ashlyn 4 months old

Sneezes can be so funny to little babies! Watch Ashlyn crack up as daddy sneezes over and over again.