Saturday, October 27, 2007

Brother & Sister

I think this is one of my all time favorites. I love Ashlyn's expression. But I can't decide if I like the color or black & white...

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Brent's First Bath

We finally was able to give him his first bath last week when the rest of his umbilical stump fell off. He absolutely loved it! He was so calm, quiet, and alert during and after the whole thing...Just like Ashlyn was. She still likes to take a bath.

Okay, well he doesn't look too pleased in this picture, but I swear he loves it!

The Pumpkin Patch!

Here's Brent, caught up in all the excitement...

The Hayride...

The petting farm...

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Introducing the newest member of the Vickery Family!

Well, he's finally here and he likes for everyone to know it. He's very vocal and wants what he wants. He was 6 days late and still didn't want to come out. I ended up having a repeat c-section, as much as I prepared for and tried for VBAC. But it's okay because he's here and he's healthy. And man! Does he love to eat!

Ashlyn just adores him and has since day one. She's been an excellent big sister--wanting to kiss him, hug him, and hold him. And when we're all in the car together, she tells us when Brent's getting ready to cry. (He makes a "getting ready to cry really loud" face)

All in all, we're adjusting well and look forward to the days ahead with two beautiful babies!

Brent's birth announcement....

Me at a little past 40 weeks...

He's finally born!

First family picture...

Proud and loving big sister...

Here he is, finally home from the hospital....

Of course I had to do a photo session with my brand new baby!

That's a birthmark there on his's looks like bruise!